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Wednesday, April 21, 2010


After watching this video, I thought it was somewhat dumb that she is complaining about not having the internet in her community. However, after actually thinking about what is going on in the world and the necessity for technology it got me to thinking that her arguments are pretty fair. As we get farther into the 21st century technology becomes more of a necessity and part of everyday life. With out it, many things in your everyday life like your job, communicating with other and entertainment is in jerpody. The need for the internet is crucial and makes sense of her plead to help bring it to her community. With dial up as we remember is very slow and now a days we complain when the internet takes more than 10 seconds. So after viewing this video I feel that having the internet in your community is assential and her arguments make sense.


  1. I believe that there are many issues to be resolved as a priority before people start complaining that they are unable to receive high speed internet which will affect their children's future. At least they have internet. If they don't like the speed at least there are several methods available in order to use high speed internet. You can visit a library, or a coffee shop with free wifi. Electricity, water, phones are necessities. While the internet, some may argue that it is relatively new and not a necessity. I believe Internet is a necessity, but her argument about high speed internet is inappropriate with the problems the government is dealing with in our time and the severity of government debt.

  2. The whole notion that the government should supply high speed internet to citizens is ridiculous! We are dealing with the largest national debt in history and we have people crusading for faster internet so that their children can do "research" faster? I'm sorry but the government should offer assistance when there i a question of necessity (if you can't afford to give your children mild and eggs), not if you can't provide them with a luxury comfort!


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